After two years of teaching German to visually impaired students, we found that there are huge gaps in the preparation books for learning the second foreign language based on the school curriculum compared to their sighted peers. The students and their parents described to us the great frustration they experience because of the current situation.
Action Short Description
The Kulturatelier participates for the first year in the Global Giving Tuesday Movement, joining forces to raise money for the realization of a tactile, audio, Braille, Greek and German children's story "Lars the Ambassador of Love" and its reading book for students with visual disabilities. Making this book will give the parent a fun way to read a story about diversity to their child while inspiring them to engage in learning a foreign language through crafts and new sounds. From 4 November until 28 November 2023, Lars invites you to become an ambassador for our LET'S SUPPORT LARS campaign - Let's Support Lars so that all children with different needs have access to the joy of reading.
Our account:Alpha Bank IBAN GR21 0140 2440 2440 0200 2006 015
Any small amount can make a big difference
Short Description of Institute
Kulturatelier carries out interventions giving priority to students from vulnerable families and people with visual disabilities, in order to ensure equal access to education without discrimination. Free German language courses for visually impaired people from all over Greece and counselling